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Tschumi Pavilion.

The Tschumi Pavilion or Glass Video Gallery on the Hereplein in Groningen was designed by the French-Swiss architect Bernard Tschumi. It was built in 1990 as part of the What a Wonderful World event. Since 1995, various temporary multimedia projects by artists from the Netherlands and abroad have been shown every year. Due to the design of the pavilion, all projects are clearly visible to everyone who passes by or is waiting for the bus. Since December 2021, the Tschumi Pavilion has been managed by Kunstpunt.

Meer over het paviljoen

Now on display: ‘Alu-Palooza’ by Cas van Deurssen

This spring, the space-filling work Alu-Palooza by Cas van Deurssen will be on display in the Tschumi pavilion. The installation consists of aluminium structures, which are constructed from rectangular, square and round tubes, on which playful compositions built up in layers are mounted. The shapes vary from sleek to organic, and respond directly to the architecture of the pavilion and the continuous movement of the roundabout.

🍾 The opening will take place on Wednesday 5 March at 4:30 p.m.
🗓️ Afterwards, Alu-Palooza can be admired day and night on the Hereplein in Groningen until 15 June 2025.

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Art projects

View here an overview of art projects that were previously shown in the Tschumi Pavilion.

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"Architecture is as much about the event that takes place in a space as it is about the space itself."
Bernard Tschumi