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Marius de Schaar

Graphic, Illustration, Other
Marius de Schaar

Marius de Schaar

Graphic, Illustration, Other

Marius de Schaar is a paper cutting artist from Vinkhuizen. He makes ‘New Dutch’ paper cutting, capturing everyday life with paper and scissors. Any subject is suitable: from washing machines to cats. He is also fascinated by buildings, from humble houses to castles. The Netherlands has a unique collection of architectural styles.


Marius started cutting in 2009. Since then he has regularly exhibited in Groningen and the surrounding area. He occasionally participates in mail art projects and contributes to magazines including KLADBLOK ( and Knip-Pers, the quarterly magazine of the Dutch Association for Paper Cutting Art.


Marius likes to cut on commission and makes personal paper cuttings for an attractive price:


- A paper cutting of your own house or that of a family member or friend

- A personally cut bouquet

- A paper cutting for an occasion: birth, wedding or birthday

- Illustrations for texts



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