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Jop Luberti

Design, Painting, Graphic, Art in public space

Jop Luberti

Design, Painting, Graphic, Art in public space

Jop Luberti is a graphic artist and risograph printer in Groningen. His colorful, dynamic designs fit all kinds of media: riso art prints, book covers, interior and exterior walls, T-shirts & album covers. He likes to work analog, print & produce environmentally friendly, and hopes to spread (yes, even more) awareness of these issues.

In terms of visual language, he plays with expectations: his own and the viewer's. Going for combinations that make no apparent logical sense, satisfaction ensues when, against all odds, things manage to come together beautifully. Excitement, discovery and surprise are key.

Celebrating freedom and curiosity, there is also a desire for stark color contrast and, at times, simply clarity. This results in a semi-figurative style, a somewhat surreal geometry, not necessarily pop or op art, but definitely "pseudo"-psychedelic.

Jop Luberti teaches riso print workshops, creates art in public spaces, and designs risograph notebooks and calenders. Approaching his craft from multiple angles, he happily accepts the risk of occasionally running into himself.

Works by this artist.