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Bert Andreae


Bert Andreae


BERT ANDREAE was born in Emmen in 1952 and was educated at Academie Minerva in Groningen (1969-'74). Since then he has worked as a draftsman in that city and also produces paper reliefs and small sculptures. He has exhibited his free work at many locations in the Netherlands and abroad, twice participated in the International Drawing Triennale in Wroclaw (Pl.) and made illustrations for various magazines and book publications. He was co-founder of art space MES in Groningen, editor of magazine De Essayhaas and associated with Grafisch Centrum Groningen as a teacher of lithography. Together with Pek van Andel he realized a traveling exhibition and a book about Serendipity. His work is included in the collection of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, among others. In addition to his visual activities, he worked as a specialized nurse at a number of healthcare institutions.

Works by this artist.