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Untitled (6-part life cycle of the frog - kikkercyclus 6 delen)

Jan Steen

About this artwork.

A sculpture group of six “frogs” adorns the terrace of the De Sigaar café on the Hoge der A. The artist Jan Steen uses his amphibians to connect the terrace café to the water but in doing so, he also shares with us his own interpretation of a frog’s life cycle. The cycle starts with a lifelike tadpole that, over the course of five stages, grows into a kind of ‘tadpole monster’: a cheeky, long-beaked frog. 

Jan Steen's work is characterised by figurative and imaginative images. And this six-part frog series is perfectly in keeping with this concept. The series is reminiscent of a fantasy fairy tale and the last, the largest, frog seems to be waiting, perhaps even for a kiss?

Part of route.


Hoge der A 2

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Facts & Figures.

  • Design
    Jan Steen

  • District

  • Year of creation

  • Art type
    Freestanding sculpture

  • Material

  • Dimensions
    h 0,06 tot 0,96 m