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Jan van der Zee

About this artwork.

You can't miss it when you cycle along the Donghornsterpad: the impressive parapet and staircase decoration by the Groningen team artist Jan van der Zee. The staircase provides access to the Crossroads apartment complex since 2023.

Different abstract geometric shapes alternate in the edges. This form repetition creates a rhythmic whole. The openings in the staircase decoration give the massive relief some 'air.'

More monumental works of art by Jan van der Zee are known in the province and the city, such as the tile mosaic (1960) on the Verzetsstrijderslaan (school building) and Baksteenrelief BAM (1968) on the Bamshorn, Haren (side wall sports hall De Bam).

About the assignment.

Jan van der Zee designed the staircase at the request of the Klein architectural firm in Groningen, which also designed the entire Naberpassage. He himself made some of the necessary molds and supervised the construction.

Jan van der Zee's working method can be called special to say the least. The staircase is made of poured concrete. He built the molds - with the negative of the outer shape - himself. First he drew the design in full size. He then made all polystyrene molds for the repetitive loose parts, which he reinforced with a wooden formwork. The poured concrete came into this and after it had hardened, the formwork and the Styrofoam around the stairs were removed.

Prior to its current record as a monumental entrance, this staircase has had a turbulent past. In 1975 it was placed in the Naberpassage, and already in 1983 it was threatened with demolition. The passage was not doing well commercially: people were hesitant to walk into the narrow, dark corridor. According to retailers, the impressive staircase would deter potential buyers. So the proposal was to demolish the stairs. The artist, as well as the Professional Association of Visual Artists, protested. And with success. The staircase eventually remained until 2013, when it was removed due to the renovation of the eastern wall of the Grand Place.

Since then, the work has been in storage, until Geveke director Harry Leggedoor read a message in the Dagblad van het Noorden. He proposed to the municipality of Groningen to place the stairs at his construction project on the former ACM site along the Reitdiep. The integration of the parapet and staircase in the new building was made possible in part by Geveke, Van Ringen Architecten and the municipality of Groningen.


Donghornsterpad Appartementencomplex Crossroads

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Facts & Figures.

  • Design
    Jan van der Zee

  • District
    Paddepoel (incl. Tuinwijk), Vinkhuizen

  • Year of creation

  • Art type
    Art in / on a building

  • Material

  • Dimensions
    h 4,00 x b 18,00 x d 0,55 m