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Memorial stone for 100 years of the Social Democratic Union

Henri de Wolf

About this artwork.

Henri de Wolf's plaque adorns the side facade of café De Beurs. In 1885, the Groningen section of the Social Democratic Union was founded in this building. One hundred years later, in honour of the centenary, this facing stone was unveiled. 
De Wolf, himself a socialist, designed the plaque and had it executed in marble and black granite. The artist opted for a trowel, reduced to a simple, geometric form; a few piled-up bricks embossed on the granite and a quotation from Karl Marx.

Part of route.


A-Kerkhof 4 (zijgevel café de Beurs)

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Facts & Figures.

  • Design
    Henri de Wolf

  • District

  • Year of creation

  • Art type
    Monument, Art in / on a building, Plaque

  • Material
    Marble (crystalline)

  • Dimensions
    h 0,90 m