Financial arrangements for artists
Mondriaan Fund Grants
Do you want to expand your oeuvre, make your work more visible, carry out research or conduct experiments? If so, you may be eligible for an Artist Basic grant.
Are you at the beginning of your career as a visual artist and do you have plans for new work? If so, you may be eligible for an Artist Start grant from the Mondriaan Fund.
Do you want to research or develop an exhibition, event or presentation? Do you want to do this, for example, by investigating a particular theme, or through an apprenticeship, travel or working period in the Netherlands or elsewhere? In short, do you want to work on a concrete plan during a specific period? If so, you may be eligible for a Curator Researcher grant.
Do you want to complete a concrete plan within a specific working period? Are you contemplating an apprenticeship or a working period in the Netherlands or another country? If so, you may be eligible for an Artist Project grant.
The Municipality of Groningen considers it important that young talented artists are given the opportunity to develop their own signature, to experiment and to make “flying hours”. They have several options for this:
The municipality provides incentive grants for talented beginning writers and artists. They are:
Hendrik de Vries stipend
George Verberg stipend
Andrea Elkenbracht Fund
Proven Talent Scheme
The municipality of Groningen offers starting institutions and organizations of talented young artists the opportunity to apply for a 2-year subsidy to experiment and to make “flying hours” to develop their own signature. The aim is to stimulate development and growth in oeuvre, to increase cultural entrepreneurship and to increase visibility. The ‘two-year proven talent scheme’ is available to organizations in the field of the performing arts (dance, music, theatre), visual arts, literary and audiovisual arts or a mix thereof. Click here for more information (in Dutch).