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travel: references 03.02.24 - 09-03-24

3 February 2024 to 9 March 2024

About this activity.

Travel is a theme with a long history of artists going out into the world for inspiration, to gain new knowledge or techniques, or where the journey itself becomes the work of art. When artists travel, their specialty consists in being able to record the new experiences. In this regard, the book is an excellent means of recording and presenting journeys with a particular (artistic) purpose. By bringing together findings and finds collected during the journey, by the idea of time and distance that arises when browsing and the handiness with which it can be taken by the artist during their travels. Through travel, one immediately notices the differences from one's own familiar surroundings. The climate, the living habits, the sight, everything is different and almost everyone notes those differences in one form or another. Travel is a discovery of the unknown but also a reflection on the familiar.

This kick-off exhibition is a starting point and as a source of inspiration for the following activities. It presents works from our own collection, complemented by loans. It shows with artist books, drawings, photographic and video works, audio the cultural-historical context and how this is further developed up to and including the present.

Artists: Bas Jan Ader, Kasper Andreasen, Frans Baake, Douwe Jan Bakker, Lothar Baumgarten, Delphine Bedel, Pieter Bijwaard, Stanley Brouwn, Dick Cassée, Laurie Clark, Thomas A Clark, Johan Cornelissen, Tacita Dean, Ad van Denderen, Marinus van Dijke, Mark Dion, Chris Drury, Ger van Elk, Sibylle Eimermacher, Peter Fischli & David Weiss, Hamish Fulton, Wim Gijzen, Jan Henderikse, Tjibbe Hooghiemstra, Roni Horn, Douglas Huebler, On Kawara, Esther Kokmeijer, Anouk Kruithof, Sem Langendijk, Junya Li, Sol Lewitt, Richard Long, Bertien van Maanen, Christien Meindertsma, Sabrina Montiel-Soto, Antoinette Nausikaä, Olaf Nicolai, Paulien Oltheten, Nono Reinhold, Yamandú Roos, Salvo, Hans Schabus, Hans Scholten, Gerry Schum, Seth Siegelaub, Petra Stavast, Fiona Tan, Rein Jelle Terpstra, Bert Teunissen, Kees Verbeek, Ulay, Roy Villevoye, JCJ Vanderheijden, Wilma Vissers, herman de vries, Hans Waanders and Jeroen van Westen.

Special thanks to the following lenders: Marinus Augustijn, Christien Bakx, Peter Foolen, the Groninger Museum, Co & Lilian Seegers and Henk Woudsma.

For detailed information, click HERE.

Information about our organization, opening hours and accessibility can be found on our WEBSITE.

Stichting ARTisBOOK.

Stichting ARTisBOOK is een onderzoeks- en presentatieruimte voor hedendaagse kunstenaarsboeken en haar makers. In samenwerking met de kunstenaars creëren we programma’s waarin gastvrijheid, collectiviteit, experimenteren en kennisuitwisseling centraal staan. We dagen de kunstenaar uit ‘te spelen met ideeën over het kunstenaarsboek’ en nieuwe relaties te onderzoeken tussen hun werk en het publiek.

Door onze samenwerking met andere ruimtes en organisaties ontstaan er kruisbestuivingen en nieuwe mogelijkheden om ons programma met een breed publiek te ontwikkelen en te onderzoeken. Als kenniscentrum voorzien we studenten en kunstenaars van advies, ons archief is publiekelijk toegankelijk en er worden gesprekken en gastlessen met de exposerende kunstenaars georganiseerd.


westerhavenstraat 14