About this activity.
Greetje Mulder
Tik Tak
November 9 to December 5
Opening: November 9, 5 pm
Greetje Mulder in the gallery: November 16, 24 and 30, 1pm-5pm
Watching with Jaap: November 15, 8 pm
Years ago, Greetje Mulder saw the film Boyhood. A beautiful film about the life of Mason who grows up from a 6-year-old boy to an 18-year-old who leaves home to study photography. The director took his time. Steadily he waited until the actors were older again. The young boy of 6 is the same person as the almost adult standing on his own two feet. The child still shimmers through the adult.
With this theme, Mulder feels kinship. Her work also covers an entire period. It appeals to her to let things grow and mature. While drawing, she freezes memories and images that move her, like film scenes from her memory. Directly and honestly, she shows her perception of life in her drawings. This requires attention, concentration and time. The latter is less obvious when confronted with her finiteness. She now experiences time as longer and more intense.
Greetje Mulder (Lhee, 1958) graduated from the Social Academy in 1980 and Art Academy Minerva in 1992. She lives and has her studio in De Biotoop in Haren. She makes drawings with (coloured) pencil, graphite, (kneaded) eraser, ink and oil crayon. She also writes and makes assemblages of found, touching things.
Galerie Noord.
Galerie Noord is een expositieruimte in hartje Groningen. Vierwekelijks bieden we kunstenaars uit het Noorden de mogelijkheid recent werk te tonen, solo of in kleine groepen. Galerie Noord richt zich op autonoom, experimenteel en onderzoekend werk in vrijwel alle disciplines. We willen bezoekers verrassen door tentoonstellingen te bieden met een wisselend karakter.
Galerie Noord wordt volledig gerund door vrijwilligers. In 1997 werd de galerie opgericht als kunstenaarsinitiatief.
Galerie Noord
Nieuwstad 6
tel 050-3113322