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The geology of the circle

Galerie Noord
11 January 2025 to 6 February 2025

About this activity.

Henk Puts

The geology of the circle

January 11 to February 6


- Opening: January 11 at 5 pm with a circle performance
- Henk Puts talks about his work: January 23 at 8 pm
- Henk Puts is in the gallery: January 17, 24 and 31 from 1 pm - 5 pm

As a kid, Henk Puts drew abstract patterns and fictional maps. At art school, he learned to depict, but after his studies, he broke away from that.  His installation 1000 Ground Drawings consists of a thousand jars, each containing the remains of one drawing: dried pulp pellets.

After the grinding, he decided to draw those pots, first freehand, later with compasses and rulers. Each destroyed drawing turned into a sun. His constructions became increasingly complex, until he finally zoomed in and concentrated on the circle: a widespread symbol with all kinds of meanings in various cultures.

In recent years, he has moved away from geometry.  With mixtures of highly diluted acrylic, he casts circles. Recently, he has become increasingly captivated by the self-painting possibilities of pigmented water on paper. The swelling paper fibres create mountains and valleys. The pigmented water flows down and forms lakes. Slowly evaporating, these leave patterns similar to those of the earth's crust.

And the circles? He now breaks them open, making them look more like islands, as he drew them in his childhood. For these works, he likes to use the term ‘geomorphology’.

Henk Puts (Maastricht 1950) grew up in The Hague. In 1974, he left for Groningen to study art and art history. His studio is in downtown Groningen. He has exhibited mainly in the Netherlands, Germany, Greece and Israel. He publishes about art in catalogues, art magazines and neighbourhood newspapers, writes stories and was for a long time active as curator of Kunstruimte Noorderstation and of the Portiersloge.

Galerie Noord.

Galerie Noord is een expositieruimte in hartje Groningen. Vierwekelijks bieden we kunstenaars uit het Noorden de mogelijkheid recent werk te tonen, solo of in kleine groepen. Galerie Noord richt zich op autonoom, experimenteel en onderzoekend werk in vrijwel alle disciplines. We willen bezoekers verrassen door tentoonstellingen te bieden met een wisselend karakter. 
Galerie Noord wordt volledig gerund door vrijwilligers. In 1997 werd de galerie opgericht als kunstenaarsinitiatief.


Galerie Noord
Nieuwstad 6
9711 JP Groningen
tel 050-3113322