Show me how to live
About this activity.
Show me how to live
Lisa Jasperina Bommerson
7 December to January 9
- Opening: December 7, at 5 pm
- Watching art with Jaap: 12 december, 8 pm
- Lisa present in the gallery: December 13, 14, 27 and 28 from 1 - 5 pm
- Finissage: January 3, 4 pm
In her first solo exhibition Show me how to live, Lisa Jasperina Bommerson (1993) reflects on seemingly normal moments, like sunlight making tableware sparkle or an unexpectedly infectious burst of laughter. How simple and normal are these moments really? Does a handbook exist for navigating beauty and emotions? Ultimately, each and every person must fall back on oneself and from that own perspective contemplate this one moment in the world.
Since graduating from Kunstacademie Minerva in Groningen in 2016, Lisa has worked frequently as a photographer in the art world. Inspired by her work in theatres, she focuses on emotions and humanity in her autonomous work, mainly graphite drawings. She chooses aspects of everyday scenes and translates them into an image on paper.
With a nod to classical painting, she draws her subjects in a realistic manner. Not too perfect, because in the scratches made by the pencil lies humanity.
Galerie Noord.
Galerie Noord is een expositieruimte in hartje Groningen. Vierwekelijks bieden we kunstenaars uit het Noorden de mogelijkheid recent werk te tonen, solo of in kleine groepen. Galerie Noord richt zich op autonoom, experimenteel en onderzoekend werk in vrijwel alle disciplines. We willen bezoekers verrassen door tentoonstellingen te bieden met een wisselend karakter.
Galerie Noord wordt volledig gerund door vrijwilligers. In 1997 werd de galerie opgericht als kunstenaarsinitiatief.
Galerie Noord
Nieuwstad 6
9711 JP Groningen
tel 050-3113322