S.Å.T.E. sounds at the exposure Sara Elzinga, Ål Nik, Thordur Hans Baldursson, Enrica Arbia.
About this activity.
sounds at the exposure
Sara Elzinga, Ål Nik, Thordur Hans Baldursson, Enrica Arbia.
Exhibition 2/11 - 2/12 2023
OPENING 2nd of November at 4 pm.
& SIGN is also hosting the final phase of a hackathon by students of the Frank Mohr Institute.
The first days of S.Å.T.E. SIGN collaborates with Soundsofmusic, the top festival for experimental music and sound which take place from 31/10 to 5/11. See also their day by day program: https://soundsofmusic.nl/
S.Å.T.E. moves on the border between visual art, sound, music and performances
This project plays with the meaning of music, influenced by the 'exposure' form during performance. A sometimes lighthearted commentary. In this way, everyone in the Sound Jams sessions can contribute to the development of music in a democratic structure. You can also plug in and invite an immense brush to dance. Your musical dance movements can be recorded in malleable surfaces and how do you actually escape the dulled behavior in pop music?
There will be new acts and performances in the last week of the exhibition: Saturday 2 December at 4 pm! See you!
Thursday 2nd of November: S.Å.T.E. 1st cut! OPENING exhibition at 4 pm.
Performances and sessions by Sara Elzinga, Ål Nik, Thordur Hans Baldursson, Enrica Arbia.
And Elsa Le Moigne ( on cello), Julia Ramos (percussion) Laia Lopez Ramirez (singer)
Anne Fleuri Wolters (synth) & Maja Eljak (basgitar).
Friday 3th of November: S.Å.T.E. 2nd cut!
At 4 pm. with Akim Moiseenkov Cut-ups & f*ck ups, Berio & Burroughs. Klaas Koetje: 'Sam' teks, Sound Jams by Ål Nik, Food & Drinks.
SIGN is een levendige en experimentele projectruimte voor actuele interdisciplinaire kunst op nationaal niveau. Zij biedt jonge kunstenaars een podium voor verdere profilering, ontwikkeling en intensivering van hun kunstenaarschap. Daarbij wordt nieuw werk geïnitieerd in bijzondere contexten en wordt de nodige reflectie gegeven. Presentaties zijn er in SIGN, op allerlei locaties, en in openbare ruimte met een variatie aan omstandigheden, invalshoeken, disciplines.
SIGN wordt ondersteund door Mondriaan Fonds Kunstpodium Basis 2021-2022 en ook voor de periode 2023-2024
Winschoterkade 10
9711 EA Groningen
tel 050-3132651