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Rob Koot - Once a painter, always a painter

Kunsthandel Peter ter Braak
2 June 2024 to 30 June 2024

About this activity.

Rob Koot

Once a painter, always a painter

As a student at the AKI in Enschede from 1974 to 1980, Rob Koot (Amsterdam 1957) was inspired by the German expressionist Max Beckmann. He is also inspired by the work of his teachers Alphons Freijmuth and Reinier Lucassen. Both belong to the New Figuration, a group of artists who, in a time of abstraction, breathed new life into the figurative in the 1960s and 1970s, without getting bogged down in 'pure' realism. Style elements and formal language in Rob's older work are based on his AKI school.

The painter's later work is difficult to categorize because of its individuality and diversity. His work often consists of geometric shapes that meet abstracted figurative elements, and can be considered both constructivist and symbolic. His very own formal language transcends any movement or fashion. In this work, forms can compete with each other, avoid each other or embrace each other.

The reason for a painting can be something trivial at one hand, but also a shocking or special event on the other: a newspaper article, an event in Rob's immediate environment, for example. The reason then acts as a starting point for the painting, but during the working process it becomes increasingly subordinate to the form.

The painter finds freedom in art very important. Freedom to paint the way he wants to paint at that moment. No compelling style constraints. In fact, when he finds that it is almost becoming a trick that he has mastered well, he stops doing it and embarks on a new adventure.

By shaking off old influences and finding his own language and signature, Rob Koot has developed into an autonomous and authentic artist. For him, over the years the form has become more important than the underlying story. This is very characteristic of his later work. By transcending the narrative, an almost timeless, purely composition-based painting is created.

Opening hours:

Friday, Saturday & Sunday from noon - 6 p.m.

Kunsthandel Peter ter Braak.

Kunsthandel Peter ter Braak is gespecialiseerd in Hollandse en Belgische schilderkunst uit de periode 1900 - 1980, met een bijzondere focus op lyrisch-abstracte schilderkunst.
Daarnaast exposeert de kunsthandel regelmatig hedendaagse kunst, veelal uit het noorden des lands.


Kunsthandel Peter ter Braak
Noorderhaven 50
9712 VL Groningen
tel 0651451100