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Pictura Wintersalon

Kunstlievend Genootschap Pictura
26 January 2025 to 2 March 2025

About this activity.

It is the perfect remedy against winter depression: visit the Wintersalon at Kunstlievend Genootschap Pictura in Groningen. A special collection of new, very diverse visual works of art. From more than 150 subscriptions the exhibition commission chose the works of plusminus thirty, northern artists.

Pictura likes to stimulate the regional artistic climate and that is why this Wintersalon is a selling exhibition, meant as a showroom for this diverse group of artists: from painters to draftsmen, from photographers to builders of installations and three dimensional work.
The participants are of alle ages, but there is extra attention voor so called mid-career artists, a priority of the policy of Pictura. It is about the artist whose work is still developing, but who have already passed the phase of startup scholarships for young talents.

Participating artists are: Edwin Aafjes, Peter Boersma, Regina Broersma, Henry Byrne, Vlada Chernavina, Tineke Demmer, Pieter Duijser, Laura van Gaans, Marieke Geerlings, Rik Hagt, Rutger Hiemstra, Rommy Hofstra, Charlie Holper, Huba Hönigh, Pieter Immenga, Wim Jonkman, Wianda Keizer, Reinoud Kuipers, Mascha de Lange, Lieve van Loon, Anne Will Lufting, Greetje Mulder, Anita Oosterloo, Gert van Oortmerssen, Sari Piek, Annelies Propstra, Hinnie Steenbruggen, Val Tatarinov, Bea van Twillert, Lambertine van Veldhuizen, Marc Warning en Dirk-Jan Zetstra.


Het Kunstlievend Genootschap Pictura in Groningen werd opgericht in 1832 met als doel: 'de beeldende kunst en de nijverheidskunst in de ruimste zin van het woord aan te moedigen en te bevorderen.' Pictura is gehuisvest in een mooi, monumentaal pand aan het Martinikerkhof in Groningen. In de sfeervolle zalen exposeren professionele kunstenaars van uiteenlopende richtingen en disciplines, maar de hoofdmoot is figuratief.


Kunstlievend Genootschap Pictura
St Walburgstraat 1
tel 050 312 29 53