Out of control
About this activity.
The artwork of the famous Groningen painter Gerrit van Houten (1866-1934) was made in a relatively short period of time. Although he was active as a painter at a young age, the painting was hardly possible due to mental problems. When he was 26 years old he had to be nursed in a mental institution in Santpoort where he would remain until his death.
Despite his mental illness his artworks contain approximately 900 drawings, 180 watercolors and 80 oil paintings. The exhibition in Pictura is composed of artwork from his last known active period as a painter in Surhuisterveen.
He was taken up into a doctor’s family, because living at home at Damsterdiep in Groningen became impossible due to his mental state.
The works of this period are characterized by letting go of conventions.
Details will dominate, the overview seems to get lost. Because of this, the works got a very personal character and rises out above the time it was created. It is fascinating to see that despite mental struggle the talent remained undeniable, just as this was the case with his great contemporary, Vincent van Gogh.
Het Kunstlievend Genootschap Pictura in Groningen werd opgericht in 1832 met als doel: 'de beeldende kunst en de nijverheidskunst in de ruimste zin van het woord aan te moedigen en te bevorderen.' Pictura is gehuisvest in een mooi, monumentaal pand aan het Martinikerkhof in Groningen. In de sfeervolle zalen exposeren professionele kunstenaars van uiteenlopende richtingen en disciplines, maar de hoofdmoot is figuratief.
Kunstlievend Genootschap Pictura
St Walburgstraat 1
tel 050 312 29 53