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Kunstlievend Genootschap Pictura
17 December 2023 to 14 January 2024

About this activity.

In Mycelium (2021-2023), Justus de Rode elaborates on the phenomenon that mycelium, fungal networks that extend beneath the forest floor, makes communication between plants and trees possible. This way, an old tree can provide its descendants with nutrients.

During joint walks through the forests of Drenthe and Groningen, De Rode tries to bridge the growing distance due to Alzheimer's to his father, Ruud de Rode, through visual language. Where dementia clouds his thinking and speaking, visual language takes over from words in communication. Through photography, Justus tries to better understand and record his father's world. In search of abstractions, animal forms and an increasingly cloudy world, Justus tries to approach the world of his father. To get even closer to this world, Justus decided to ask his father to paint over his prints. The series of painted black and white images opens the door to his mind, where colors come to life and existing forms take on new meaning. In this visual dialogue, the trees with their roots, branches and underground network form a backdrop and metaphor. A microcosm as a means of communication, their own mycelium.


Het Kunstlievend Genootschap Pictura in Groningen werd opgericht in 1832 met als doel: 'de beeldende kunst en de nijverheidskunst in de ruimste zin van het woord aan te moedigen en te bevorderen.' Pictura is gehuisvest in een mooi, monumentaal pand aan het Martinikerkhof in Groningen. In de sfeervolle zalen exposeren professionele kunstenaars van uiteenlopende richtingen en disciplines, maar de hoofdmoot is figuratief.


Kunstlievend Genootschap Pictura
St Walburgstraat 1
tel 050 312 29 53