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In the Sunshower | Chih Chung Chang

Bierumer School
1 December 2023 to 27 January 2024

About this activity.

Taiwanese artist Chih Chung Chang is a guest at the Bierumer School as artist-in residence. His work can be seen during regular opening hours in December and January. 

The concept of Sunshower, rain on sunshine, has no particular meteorological cause. This rather rare, extravagant phenomenon, in which a rainbow often appears, has been given all kinds of names and meanings in cultures worldwide, and interpretations derived from vivid imagination. In Flanders, it is referred to as a 'devils fair'. In Japan it is called a 'fox wedding' (狐の嫁入り) and in Korea it is associated with folk tales of fox, tiger and cloud. Therefore, terms such as 'fox rain' (여우비) or 'the tiger's wedding day' (호랑이장가가는날) arose there.

Changs continues, and expands, his artistic exploration of weather and climate in the Bierumer School. Water and humidity as a wet/liquid medium are among them. It is a journey of discovery that began in the hot summer in the south, at the Jan van Eyck Academy in Maastricht, and has now led him to a cold winter in the north, to Bierum. There he plans to further explore his somatosensory experiences intertwined with narrative approaches from his historical and cultural studies.

Chang considers the ocean from the Anthropocene worldview. He sees water as a medium that permeates everything, both the invisible and visible worlds. Water embodies the instability of transition, of flow as well as the anti-subjectivity appropriate to his homeland of Taiwan and the subtropical monsoon climate prevailing there. His art is about rapidly changing environments as one finds on a ship or island and in the water or a harbor. He tries to reveal the universal in the gray area where tension arises between man, civilization and nature and where they are constantly reshaping each other.

Taiwanese artist Chih Chung Chang has been nominated by the Art Indeed Foundation as a guest artist at the Bierumer School. Art Indeed organizes artist-in-residence projects in the city and province of Groningen in which artists, researchers and local residents collaborate on art and research projects. They respond to current themes that play locally but also echo throughout society and around the world.

Chih Chung Chang's exhibition is on view through Saturday, Jan. 27, 2024.

Bierumer School offers artists space for production and presentation and is open to the public every Friday and Saturday from 2 p.m.-5 p.m. Bierumer School, Hereweg 12, 9906 PE Bierum

Bierumer School.

Bierumer School biedt kunstenaars ruimte voor productie en presentatie. 


Bierumer School
Hereweg 12
9906PE Bierum