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Groninger kunstkring De Ploeg in Watertoren West

Watertoren West
2 July 2024 to 2 September 2024

About this activity.

Groninger kunstkring De Ploeg in the Watertoren West.

From 2 July to Sunday 2 September 2024, two members of the Groninger Kunstkring de Ploeg will exhibit paintings in the Watertoren West.

Bé Kracht, oldest Ploeg member, member since 1979 and Marloes Buigel Boering, youngest Ploeg member since 2019, show a very varied exhibition together with their work.

Bé paints landscapes, still lifes and has made many graphic and model drawings. He is praised for the intense way in which he has depicted the Groningen landscape with an exotic-looking palette. He calls himself an intuitive, emotional painter.

Marloes is inspired by nature, love for the earth, light and a world that is not immediately visible. In her layered paintings with oil paint, outer and inner images/landscapes form the basis. She aims to make art that touches your heart or touches your soul.

Guest exhibitor is Nelleke Allersma, she makes figurative sculptures in bronze, human figures and animals. Her compositions are all about movement. To optimize the dynamics in the image, she omits details. The figures express emotion through their postures and interaction.

The exhibition will be opened by Titus Schaafsma, chairman of Stichting De Ploeg on Sunday 7 July from 15.00 -17.00 hrs. You are most welcome!

The Watertoren West is open from Monday to Saturday from 09.00-17.00 and on Sunday from 10.00-17.00, where the sky lounge is also open where you can drink tea/coffee while enjoying a beautiful view of Groningen.

Address: Doctor C. Hofstede de Grootkade 48, 9718KC Groningen.

Groninger kunstkring De Ploeg.

Groninger kunstkring De Ploeg bestaat uit 18 kunstenaars. Gezamelijk vormen ze een platform en organiseren ze exposities. In 2024 hebben zij een vaste plek in de Watertoren West, maar ook zijn er exposties te zien in o.a. MKTA, Obergumkerk, Thijnhofmusem.



Watertoren West
Doctor C. Hofstede de Grootkade 48
9718 KC Groningen