Groninger kunstkring De Ploeg exhibits in the Watertoren West.
About this activity.
Groninger kunstkring De Ploeg exhibits in the Watertoren West.
The Watertoren West has a beautiful reception lobby on the ground floor where De Ploeg organizes exhibitions of work by Ploegers and any guest exhibitors throughout the year.
Address: Doctor C. Hofstede de Grootkade 48, 9718KC Groningen.
Opening hours: Monday-Friday from 09.00-17.00 hrs, Saturday from 09.30-17.00 hrs, possibly call +31(0)502115917. Open Sunday from 10.00-18.00. In addition, the sky lounge at the top of the water tower is open on the first Sunday of the month from 10:00 to 18:00 where you can enjoy tea/coffee with a snack and a fantastic view over Groningen.
In 2025, de Ploeg can use the beautiful exhibition space of the Watertoren West for the last time for a month. We conclude the collaboration with this exhibition with an overview exhibition of 18 Ploeg members: Dik Breunis, Arien de Groot, Marloes Buigel Boering, Josefien Alkema, Aly van der Wal, Reinier van den Berg, Ati van Twillert, Anne van Twillert, Janny van der Woude, Mary Velthoen, Geert Schreuder, Marjan Beuker, Joke Klaveringa, Bé Kracht, Silvia Benniks, Marjan Cornelius, Annelies Gommer and Lydia Jonkman.
The opening is on Sunday 12 January from 15:00 to 17:00.
You are most welcome!
Groninger kunstkring De Ploeg.
Groninger kunstkring De Ploeg bestaat uit 21 kunstenaars. Gezamelijk vormen ze een platform en organiseren ze exposities. In 2024 hebben zij een vaste plek in de Watertoren West, maar ook zijn er exposties te zien in o.a. het Museum Thijnhof en in 2025 in Museum borg Verhildersum.
Watertoren West
Doctor C. Hofstede de Grootkade 48
9718 KC Groningen