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Felix Hess - from science to art

Kunstlievend Genootschap Pictura
27 November 2024 to 12 January 2025

About this activity.

Felix Hess (1941-2022) was a Groningen based physicist who in 1975 was promoted Cum Laude with a groundbreaking study on the moving of boomerangs. During his scientific work in the years that followed in Australia, Hess became intrigued by the communication between frogs.

Based on research, he made an installation of sound animals. These animals make, just like frogs, sounds and interact with each other, but fall silent as soon as they hear another sound.
The installation was the start of a series of special projects involving nature and sound.
Hess. who won the Witteveen-Bos-price for Art and Technique for his artwork, has left some of the installations that you will be able to see at Kunstlievend Genootschap Pictura now.
The opening op the exhibition is on Sunday 24 November at 15 uur with a live show from Huba de Graaff as a part of the Sound of Music Festival.

Other ticket prizes only this Sunday (€7,50)


Het Kunstlievend Genootschap Pictura in Groningen werd opgericht in 1832 met als doel: 'de beeldende kunst en de nijverheidskunst in de ruimste zin van het woord aan te moedigen en te bevorderen.' Pictura is gehuisvest in een mooi, monumentaal pand aan het Martinikerkhof in Groningen. In de sfeervolle zalen exposeren professionele kunstenaars van uiteenlopende richtingen en disciplines, maar de hoofdmoot is figuratief.


Kunstlievend Genootschap Pictura
St Walburgstraat 1
tel 050 312 29 53