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Exhibition Marius de Schaar - 'The Traffic Light in front of Nijestee-building' in Windowgallery De Prachtvink

Raamgalerie De Prachtvink
1 October 2022 to 31 October 2022

About this activity.

From 1 to 31 October 2022, Marius de Schaar, artist from Vinkhuizen, will exhibit a paper cutout in black paper The traffic light in front of Nijestee-building in window gallery 'De Prachtvink' at shopping center Vinkhuizen, Platinalaan 505a, 9743 GZ Groningen.

The traffic light in front of Nijestee-building is a paper cutout of 30 x 40 cm, in black paper from 2022.

On February 4, 2013, Nijestee moved into a new building at Damsterplein 1, Groningen. The official name of the building, designed by architectural firm Onix, is the 'Damsterpoort'. The inhabitants of the city of Groningue normally call it 'pimple' or 'monstrosity'. The ambition of ten years ago, which the urban planners described as: 'thanks to the Damsterpoort, the Damsterdiep has (again) been given a clear boundary and a new square, the Damsterplein, has been created!' have not yet fully come true. After all, the square will soon be redesigned. The building, known as one of the ugliest in Groningue, hits thousands of views each day. There is an intersection with traffic lights in front of the building, where one has to wait quite long in both the car and  on the bicycle. Waiting stimulates mild feeling: there is also a place for an ugly duckling …

Marius de Schaar has been a paper cutting artist since 2009. He produces New Dutch paper cutting. He likes to take his subjects from his immediate environment, from toothpaste to trash can. Marius has a special interest in the architecture of the Netherlands. He likes to capture buildings with his scissors, from church to apartment. Marius de Schaar has exhibited in various galleries and museums, including the Rijksmuseum. His work is included in various private collections.

The window gallery is an exhibition space that can only be viewed from the outside, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The gallery is illuminated until 11 p.m. Each month a new artwork by an artist is showcased.

Raamgalerie De Prachtvink.

Raamgalerie De Prachtvink is een 24-uurs galerie aan Platinalaan 505a bij Winkelcentrum Vinkhuizen. De galerie heeft als specialiteit internationale mail art.


Raamgalerie De Prachtvink
Platinalaan 505
9743GZ Groningen
tel 050-2302991