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Art Rental Day

Kunstpunt Groningen
9 November 2024

About this activity.

On Saturday, November 9, we’re celebrating Art Rental Day at Kunstpunt! Everyone is warmly invited to come and enjoy art, borrow pieces, and relax with live music, drinks, and snacks. Join us anytime between 12:00 and 17:00 at Trompsingel 27a.

Live Music and Art by Gert Sennema & Westkant Stad

From 14:00, the Groningen band Gert Sennema & Westkant Stad will provide an afternoon of live music, performing until about 16:30. Alongside his musical talent, band member and sculptor Gert Sennema will also showcase his wooden sculptures at the Art Rental section. Band member and artist Bennie Timmer will also display his artwork. All artworks by these artists are available to view, purchase, and borrow.

Meet & Greet with Artist Muzammil Hussain

Meet artist Muzammil Hussain, who will be present for a special meet & greet. The paintings of this year’s graduate artist are part of the Studio Collection duo-exhibition Chasing Ballad of the Changing Baton, currently displayed in Kunstpunt’s Cella exhibition space. His work is also available for sale and rental.

Special Offer: Free Membership for New Members

Not a Kunstpunt member yet? On Art Rental Day, sign up for your first year of membership at no cost! A Kunstpunt Groningen membership allows you to borrow art to enjoy at home and gives you access to additional benefits:

  • Priority purchase options for exclusive multiples by Groningen artists
  • Invitations to all our openings
  • The KUNST. magazine delivered to your home for free

Come join us for Art Rental Day! Kunstpunt is open from 12:00 to 17:00 at Trompsingel 27a.

Kunstpunt Groningen.

Kunstpunt Groningen (voorheen CBK) is hét knooppunt voor beeldende kunst. Wij lenen kunstwerken uit, begeleiden kunstopdrachten in de openbare ruimte en bij bedrijven, ontwikkelen educatieprojecten voor scholen en organiseren tentoonstellingen en activiteiten. 

Kunstpunt Groningen (formerly CBK) is the hub for visual arts. We lend works of art, supervise art assignments in public spaces and at companies, develop educational projects for schools and organize exhibitions and activities.


Kunstpunt Groningen
Trompsingel 27A
9724 DA Groningen
tel (050) 317 17 07