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Now on view: Pipes & Plastics by Cas van Deurssen

Kunstpunt Groningen
1 February 2025 to 8 March 2025

About this activity.

Fifteen new works by Cas van Deurssen are on display in the solo exhibition Pipes & Plastics at Kunstpunt. Cas's work balances between art object and functional design. A defining feature is his use of industrial materials such as aluminum frames, plexiglass, and colorful panels. The works reveal a sense of layering, inviting the viewer not only to appreciate the finished result but also to engage with the creation process and underlying construction.

This exhibition is part of the series Studio Collectie: Solo, where we present work by northern artists. The art comes directly from their studios.

About Cas van Deurssen
Cas van Deurssen (1994) is a visual artist who graduated in 2020 from Academie Minerva in Groningen. Before that, he studied at AKV Sint Joost art academy in Den Bosch and completed a minor at the Weißensee Kunsthochschule in Berlin. In 2020, he won the Buning Brongers Prize, a biennial Dutch art award for young visual artists. He has previously exhibited at Het HEM in Zaandam, Big Art in Amsterdam, and will showcase his work at Prospects during ART Rotterdam in early 2024, an initiative of the Mondriaan Fund featuring artists who received a Starter Grant two years earlier. In Groningen, his work has been shown at venues including Y2, WEP, and the UMCG.

Come visit
The Pipes & Plastics exhibition can be visited free of charge at Kunstpunt until 8 March 2025. You can also view the works online here.

Would you like to enjoy his work longer? You can borrow or buy the works of art via the Art Rental Service.

Cas’s Selection
In addition to creating new work, Cas has also explored the Art Rental collection to select his favorite pieces. "Each work has, consciously or unconsciously, a clear link to my own practice," he says of his choices. "Many works share a similar visual language, with parallels in color, technique, material, or composition. You often see dualities in the imagery and tensions between figuration and abstraction." Among his selections are works by Rob Scholte, Ruud Venekamp, and Tiddo Nieboer. These pieces are also on display at the Art Rental collection.

Kunstpunt Groningen.

Kunstpunt Groningen (voorheen CBK) is hét knooppunt voor beeldende kunst. Wij lenen kunstwerken uit, begeleiden kunstopdrachten in de openbare ruimte en bij bedrijven, ontwikkelen educatieprojecten voor scholen en organiseren tentoonstellingen en activiteiten. 

Kunstpunt Groningen (formerly CBK) is the hub for visual arts. We lend works of art, supervise art assignments in public spaces and at companies, develop educational projects for schools and organize exhibitions and activities.


Kunstpunt Groningen
Trompsingel 27A
9724 DA Groningen
tel (050) 317 17 07