Altijd even by Wessel Middelbos
About this activity.
Studio Collection: Solo shows works of art straight from the studio of artists. And the nice thing is, almost all works can be borrowed or bought in the Kunstuitleen of Kunstpunt Groningen. Artist Wessel Middelbos (Hoogeveen, 1976) is the fourth in the series with his exhibition Altijd Even.
Movement and change, that's what the landscape is all about. It is a process that fascinates Wessel Middelbos immensely. You can see it in his latest paintings. Wessel uses various elements from time and space to create new strongly abstracted landscapes. He doesn’t show a specific landscape, but represents the transformation. Project leader Erica Scheper: “Wessel makes very beautiful work, it is very personal and recognizable. Landscape yet abstract. He uses a special technique for this. ”
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Kunstpunt Groningen.
Kunstpunt Groningen (voorheen CBK) is hét knooppunt voor beeldende kunst. Wij lenen kunstwerken uit, begeleiden kunstopdrachten in de openbare ruimte en bij bedrijven, ontwikkelen educatieprojecten voor scholen en organiseren tentoonstellingen en activiteiten.
Kunstpunt Groningen (formerly CBK) is the hub for visual arts. We lend works of art, supervise art assignments in public spaces and at companies, develop educational projects for schools and organize exhibitions and activities.
Kunstpunt Groningen
Trompsingel 27A
9724 DA Groningen
tel (050) 317 17 07